INFLUENCER (e.g., blogger / vlogger / referral initiator): a person who makes public his point of view and / or advice on some of the advertiser's products and / or services on the basis of a contractual report in a manner and style which are their own. An influencer can intervene in an editorial context or in collaboration with a brand in order to publish specific commercial content.
Article 4 - Commercial communication through influencers
4.1 - The advertisers shall be responsible for the communication performed by the influencers.
4.2 - The contractual relationship between the influencer and the advertiser must be clearly and visibly disclosed within the communication. Disclosure must be made for each article, post, video, tweet, etc. at the beginning of the communication.
4.3- The statements made by the influencers must be truthful, not misleading and verifiable.
4.4 - In case of posts about the use of the respective product by influencers, they are to make statements that represent their honest opinions and personal and authentic experience regarding the product, based on the evidence they posess, providing, where appropriate, the corresponding testimonials.