Self-regulation is a sistem that through which the advertising industry undertakes the responsibility of self-control. This system coveres all three dimensions of the industry: the Marketers, who invest in advertising; the Agencies, responsible for advertising’s form and content; the Media, transporting advertising to the audience. The three parties collaborate directly, establish standards of activity and put in place a mechanism that ensures removal or correction of those advertising communications that do not meet these standards.
The standards are organized into a code, such as the Code of Advertising Practice of RAC and the industry voluntarily agrees to comply. The provisions are implemented by a special body created for this, a body funded by the industry itself.
On the basis of self-rThe role of self-regulation is recognized through several initiatives of the European Union: Audiovisual Media Services Directive, DG Sanco Advertising Roundtable Report etc.
Self-regulation does not replace the legislation. It is well known that self-regulations works best within a certain legal framework. Whether the legislation is more restrictive and more detailed, or that it establishes only general principles and a last door for the cases where other methods have failed.
Usually, a self-regulation organism (SRO) is composed of three structures:
Romanian Advertising Council (RAC) is a professional, non-governmental, non-profit and independent organization. The activity of the Council is self-regulation in advertising. Currently Romanian Advertising Council is also offering copy advice.
RAC was founded in 1999. Initiative of a union in support of the advertising industry in Romania belonged to several companies and to the organization International Advertising Association (IAA). The companies who founded RAC, together with IAA, are: Brewery Holding Ltd. (known today as Heineken Romania), Henkel Romania SRL, Procter & Gamble Marketing Romania SRL Romania S.A. and Unilever.
The activity of the Romanian Advertising Council is based on the Code of Advertising Practice, prepared by its members. The Code is a set of ethical rules to be respected by all those involved in advertising and any form of commercial communication. The document’s purpose is to support the development of an honest and decent business in Romania by offering a guide to the form and content of correct, honest and decent information of the consumer and industry.
RAC has 72 members: companies, advertising agencies, media and associations. In turn, the Council is a member of other European (EASA - European Advertising Standards Alliance) or global (IAA - International Advertising Alliance) organizations.
Marca Etica is a trusted seal that warants the observance of ethical principles by advertisers who were granted the licence, for the Romanian advertising market as well as a confirmation that the commercial communication is in accordance with the provisions and in the spirit of the RAC Advertising Code of Practice ("RAC Code").
For the launch year 2022, interested companies can benefit from a promotional discount, either members or non member companies.The offer is subject to further terms and conditions.
Anda Dan
Phone: 0733024589
Phone: +40248 500 000
Phone: +40756.565.638
Phone: 021 230 33 91
Phone: +40.21. 303.48.00
Phone: 021 202 68 00.
Anda Dan
Phone: 0733024589
Phone: +40 21 20 20 200
Phone: +4021.301.00.01
Phone: 021.312.25.83
Phone: 021.301.11.10
Phone: 021 322 0171
Phone: 021.312.25.83
Phone: 021.303.33.64
Phone: 0311 052414
Phone: +40722.621.613
Phone: +40733024589
The Romanian Advertising Council (RAC) has launched the Copy Advice service in August 2009. The service is addressed to companies or advertising agencies wanting a recommendation when creating a commercial communication in accordance with the ethic standards and principles encompassed by RAC's Advertising Code of Practice.
INFLUENCER (e.g., blogger / vlogger / referral initiator): a person who makes public his point of view and / or advice on some of the advertiser's products and / or services on the basis of a contractual report in a manner and style which are their own. An influencer can intervene in an editorial context or in collaboration with a brand in order to publish specific commercial content.
Article 4 - Commercial communication through influencers
4.1 - The advertisers shall be responsible for the communication performed by the influencers.
4.2 - The contractual relationship between the influencer and the advertiser must be clearly and visibly disclosed within the communication. Disclosure must be made for each article, post, video, tweet, etc. at the beginning of the communication.
4.3- The statements made by the influencers must be truthful, not misleading and verifiable.
4.4 - In case of posts about the use of the respective product by influencers, they are to make statements that represent their honest opinions and personal and authentic experience regarding the product, based on the evidence they posess, providing, where appropriate, the corresponding testimonials.
Anyone (individual, legal person or entity of the State) may refer to the Romanian Advertising Council on a commercial communication. To lodge a complaint correctly, thus simplifying the registration and resolving it, please observe the following tips: Writte with maximum clarity and conciseness and always mention: the subject of your intimation, elements that are likely to breach the Code of Advertising Practice developed by RAC, the provisions that the commercial communication may infringe, the resolution expected following the intimation (termination or modification of the campaign), and, last but not least, your contacts to inform you on the progress in solving the case.
As important as drafting the intimation is sending the materials subject of the intimation. Just to be sure that we stopped on the same commercial communications as you, please attach and materials to which you refer. Intimations can be submitted via email to office [at], by completing the form on the site, by fax or post using the contact details specified in the Contact page. You can not lodge verbal or via telephone intimations.
To see in detail the procedure for solving an intimation, please see Chapter IV - Implementation of the Code in the Code of Advertising Practice.