ICAS supports new Global Standards Coalition created to reduce harmful drinking 

BY  · 30 NOVEMBER 2023

The International Council for Advertising Self-Regulation (ICAS) is delighted to support the new Global Standards Coalition, a coalition of leading retailers, business organizations, e-commerce and digital platforms, as well as advertising associations that have joined forces to further accelerate reductions in harmful use of alcohol and encourage more responsible marketing of alcohol beverages.

The Global Standards Coalition, led by the International Alliance for Responsible Drinking (IARD), aims to create a positive movement that globally drives initiatives to help reduce harmful drinking and promote moderation among those who choose to drink. 

The coalition will focus on proactive measures to: 

  • Further prevent sales to those underage or intoxicated;
  • Curb marketing and advertising to those underage;
  • Provide training and guidance that empowers staff to deny sale, service, and delivery of alcohol where necessary;
  • Respect the choices of those who choose not to drink alcohol; and
  • Elevate industry standards to reduce the harmful use of alcohol.

Guy Parker, ICAS President, said:

ICAS members have worked for decades to ensure responsible advertising for alcohol beverages through effective ad self-regulation in many countries across the globe. We applaud the initiative of the IARD and are committed to further supporting the industry in its efforts to advertise responsibly and to protect children, minors and vulnerable groups by taking effective measures to avoid marketing and advertising to them. We strongly believe that the goal to reduce the harmful use of alcohol can best be achieved through strong partnerships and collaboration.

Henry Ashworth, CEO and President, IARD, said: 

We are proud to be leading this initiative and it will be pivotal in driving change in society through public and private partnership as part of a whole-of-society approach. We invite others to join us in this global initiative to reduce harmful drinking. By harnessing our resources alongside those of policy makers, regulators, healthcare professionals, and societal leaders, we can accelerate positive downwards trends in underage drinking.

Read the joint statement of the Global Standards Coalition in EnglishFrenchPortuguese and Spanish.

This initiative is also supported by ad standards bodies /Self-Regulatory Organizations (SROs) at local level as well as our European partner, EASA, the European Advertising Standards Alliance