The Romanian Advertising Council, a self-regulatory body for advertising in Romania, has launched the first tool for validating ethical behavior in advertising: Marca Etica/ Ethical Stamp.

ME is a seal that certifies the observance of ethical principles, of good practices, by announcers in Romania

Thus we aim to protect and educate consumers at the same time by validating an honest, transparent and decent advertising conduct and by promoting good practices in brand communication.

By displaying the Ethical Stamp, brands confirmed by industry experts that the respective commercial communication is in accordance with the provisions and in the spirit of RAC Code Advertisingof Practice:

The Ethics Stamp will help increase consumer confidence in advertising and brands and is attributed only at the request of companies.

The ethical brand presentation spot is now being broadcast by televisions as a public interest campaign.


The Romanian Advertising Council (RAC) is the only self-regulatory body for advertising, established in order to promote an ethical, legal, decent and honest advertising market in Romania. Founded in 1999 and a member of the European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA) and the International Council for Ad Selfregulation (ICAS), RAC now represents over 90% of the national advertising market, with 82 members: private companies, advertising agencies. advertising, broadcasters or professional associations in the field.


Laura Frunzeti