Romania holds the EU presidency this year, and the subject of food supplements is of great interest to the EU.
In this context, PRISA and PRIAevents are organizing the Food Supplements Conference in the European Union on June 12, 2019, starting at 8.30 am, which will discuss current, interesting topics with everyone involved in regulating food supplements, namely: the use of health claims approved by the European Commission on the basis of the EFSA opinion both in Romania and at European level; health claims on botanicals - status and use on labels and commercial communication of dietary supplements.a
The new Foods - status and implementation topics in both Romania and other countries will be debated, as well as the status of the food supplements Law in Romania as well as the harmonization with the European legislation (establishing maximum doses of vitamins and minerals used in food supplements, harmonizing the list of botanicals with the BELFRIT list and other European lists, mutual recognition in the field of food supplements in Romania as a member of the European Union, ingredients in medicines and food supplements).
Representatives of pharmaceutical companies, food addicts, representatives of European authorities, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Health, the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, MEPs, patients' associations, doctors, pharmacists and their associations , companies in the legal advisory area, publicity, state and private hospitals, and media representatives.
Health and informing the public about the benefits of food supplements and medical devices are extremely important, so in this debate we are going to look at the steps we have made last year to the present. We will highlight new regulations or new legislation to signal possible serious deviations from the norms and to better inform the actors involved in the Romanian market.
At the Food Supplements in the European Union: Present and Future, you will have the opportunity to meet the most important people in Romania and other EU countries, to participate in an interactive event, so that at the end of it we can share ideas, solutions and proposals.
Food Supplements in the European Union: Present and Future is part of a series of conferences organized by PRIAevents which bring the most important and current topics of debate in each fieldt o attention.
The Romanian Association of Food Supply Industries - PRISA - founded in 2000 as the first food supplement association, is an active partner of state institutions and member of some international organizations: Food Supplements Europe (FSE), International Alliance of Dietary / Food Supplement Association (IADSA) as a member of the RAC.
Informing the public about the benefits of dietary supplements is extremely important, therefore, in this debate, the steps taken since last year to date will be analyzed. New regulations or new legislation will be highlighted to signal possible serious deviations from the rules and to better inform the actors involved in the Romanian market.
At FOOD SUPPLEMENTS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION: PRESENT AND FUTURE CONFERENCE you will have the opportunity to to participate in an interactive event, so that at the end we can all share ideas, solutions and proposals.
The invited lecturers are:
Rodica NASSAR - State Secretary, Ministry of Health;
Laszlo ATTILA - President, Health Commission, Romanian Senate,
Florin BUICU - President of the Health Commission, Chamber of Deputies,
Dr. Gerald FLINTOACA-FILIP - Secretary General, PRISA,
Dr. Valeriu CURTUI - the nutritionist coordinator of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA),
Patrick COOPENS - Director of Regulatory & Scientific Affairs, Food Supplements Europe (FSE),
Martina SIMOVA - President of CASP (The Czech Association of Special Foods)
Dr. Gabriela GARBAN - CRSP, expert of INSP for food supplements and food supplemented with vitamins, minerals and other substances,
Marius PIRVU - President of ANPC and a guest from the European Commission, DG Health and Consumers.
The conference will be moderated by Dr. Gerald FLINTOACA-FILIP - Secretary General, PRISA, member of the RAC Board of Directors.
More details about the FS event in the EU, which will take place at Sheraton Hotel, can be found at the following link:
For signing up, go to link